Strips characters that are not significant to the validity or execution
of a GraphQL document:
BlockString indentation
Note: It is required to have a delimiter character between neighboring
non-punctuator tokens and this function always uses single space as delimiter.
It is guaranteed that both input and output documents if parsed would result
in the exact same AST except for nodes location.
Warning: It is guaranteed that this function will always produce stable results.
However, it's not guaranteed that it will stay the same between different
releases due to bugfixes or changes in the GraphQL specification.
Query example:
querySomeQuery($foo:String!,$bar:String){ someField(foo:$foo,bar:$bar){ a b{ c d } } }
Strips characters that are not significant to the validity or execution of a GraphQL document:
Note: It is required to have a delimiter character between neighboring non-punctuator tokens and this function always uses single space as delimiter.
It is guaranteed that both input and output documents if parsed would result in the exact same AST except for nodes location.
Warning: It is guaranteed that this function will always produce stable results. However, it's not guaranteed that it will stay the same between different releases due to bugfixes or changes in the GraphQL specification.
Query example:
SDL example: